Reviews of the various services here in Baltimore as well as tips and advice on how to keep your home clean
Green cleaning products are the rage, with many people looking to be friendly for the environment and healthy, however while many green products claim to be great for the environment or natural, how can yoube sure of what you are buying? What does 100% natural products mean? We'll try to help you sort through it all to decide which cleaning products you should be buying if you're looking to be green.

Check for full disclosure of ingredients.
Ingredient lists on cleaning supplies are not quite the same as ingredients lists on food labels. On a food label, if wheat is first and cinnamon is last, we know that there is more wheat in the product than cinnamon. Ingredients on cleaning supply labels are not listed in order of how much of the ingredient is included. It's important to keep in mind that there are no requirements for manufacturers to even list ingredients for cleaning supplies unless they contain disinfectants or items that are known to be hazardous. Look for manufacturers that list their ingredients either on the label or on their websites. 

Know about risky ingredients.
Learn about the common ingredients in today's cleaners and which ones can be associated with health risks. By knowing which ingredients are hazardous, you'll be able to make a good choice as to which cleaner to choose. Check out the National Institute of Health to find the necessary information about which household cleaners contain which ingredients.

Check the cleaner's environmental claims.
Catch-phrases like "environmentally friendly", "environmentally safe", and "biodegradeable" are keywords that all sound great but you need to be carefully of what you're purchasing. Something that is made from 100% plant based ingredients is better than a cleaner that claims to be made from just natural ingredients. Make sure to investigate the products ingredient list and don't be afriad to contact the company and ask questionns. 

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