Reviews of the various services here in Baltimore as well as tips and advice on how to keep your home clean
Use of chemicals when cleaning is a concern of parents of children of all ages. This is also a concern for those who are caring for elderly patients or family members, as well as those who have allergies. And with the "green" movement growing in popularity, more and more people are looking for ways to keep chemicals out of their homes and use non-toxic methods for cleaning. Use of homemade products eliminates this concern, but there is a lot of skepticism surrounding whether or not these products work as well as their commercial counterparts. Let me say, there's no need to worry. Homemade cleaners work as well, if not better, than commercial products and their way cheaper too. Just check out this blog post that discuss the effectiveness of homemade cleaners.

Baking Soda

Even though we generally think of baking soda as a way of keeping our refrigerators and freezers from getting smelly or as an ingredient for our favorite recipes, it works great as a cleaner in many areas of the home. Adding baking soda anywhere that needs to be deodorized, not just in the refrigerator or freezer, helps eliminate even the toughest odors. This includes trashcans, in sneakers, and in kitty litter. Baking soda works as well as cleansers, but it is not as abrasive. You can also add baking soda to the laundry. Many chemical based cleaners add baking soda to their product formulas, but many households have found using baking soda without the chemicals works just as well.


Lemons are not just for drinks and recipes! Did you know that, when you cut a lem
on in half and rub it on your shower fixtures, it gets rid of hard water stains? Lemon juice is also notorious for ridding homes of soap scum in kitchens and bathrooms, as well as for shining copper and brass. When lemon juice is mixed with baking soda to form a paste, it is just as effective as using industrial strength bleach. Lemon juice can also be mixed with a small amount of olive oil in order to polish wooden furniture pieces.


This is, by far, the most popular natural cleaning substances next to using baking soda. Because it is so versatile and can be used in so many rooms throughout the house, vinegar mixed with water is found in spray bottles under the sinks of many non-toxic homes. In order to get the solution so it works well, mix equal parts of water and vinegar. You can clean just about any surface using vinegar including windows, countertops, appliances, bathtubs, sinks, and toilet bowls. Vinegar can also be used in the washing machine because, when clothes are transferred to the dryer or hung out on the line, it acts as a fabric softener. Some people also add vinegar to their homemade laundry detergent to ensure all the soap rinses from their fabrics.


4/19/2015 02:36:08 pm

The use of home made product is good idea. Also some manufactured product like air purifier are also great to use. They are not so much costly and provide you compltely dust free air to breathe.


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